Non-food Factors That Can Cause Weight Gain

What causes weight gain?

The food you put into your body isn’t the only thing that can cause weight gain. Your Orange County weight loss coach will tell you that stressful thoughts, restless nights, and hidden ingredients all play a role.

A number of environmental and lifestyle habits can affect the speed of your metabolism and the number on the scale. The good news? You have control over the majority of these factors, which removes your ability to create excuses. You’re in the driver’s seat of your journey. Here’s what can play a part in your weight loss and how to combat each obstacle.

Artificial Preservatives

The additives loaded in many processed foods could be linked to metabolic problems, like obesity and glucose intolerance. Research out of Georgia State University revealed the chemicals used to preserve food, change the color or add flavor can disrupt the lining of your gut. The chemicals cause unhealthy bacteria to stir within your stomach, triggering inflammation and throwing your metabolism off course.

Prevent the effects of preservatives with clean eating and read the ingredient list on prepackaged foods. If you can’t find it in your kitchen, it shouldn’t be in your body.

Stress & Weight Gain

Stress can take a toll on your body. The under eye dark circles and restless nights aren’t the only side effects of letting the “what ifs” consume your mind. When stress hormones, like cortisol, are triggered in your body, it takes longer to burn body fat. Over time, you can develop a large percentage of visceral fat, which can be tough to rid of.

Living a stress-free life may seem more like a fantasy than reality, but daily practices like meditating, limiting your time in front of a digital screen, and spending time outdoors can help. Just the act of being outside changes how your body reacts to stress!

Activity Level

It doesn’t take hours at the gym and a 5 a.m. alarm to gain a healthy lifestyle. When you do things you enjoy – walk the dog, play with the kids, work in the garden – your body reacts. As you maintain an active lifestyle, your body stays in a state of afterburn effect, burning more calories thanks to your revved up metabolism.

Your body not only reacts to healthy food, but it also rewards you when you take steps to reduce stress and stay active.