5 Weight Loss Lies You’ve Been Told

Weight loss liesLosing weight is challenging. The abundance of misinformation you hear and read can make it even more confusing. The weight loss lies behind fad diets and cleanses can be harmful.

When you don’t start with the right weight loss information, it’s hard to hit your goal. We’re here to set the record straight on a few weight loss lies and help you feel confident moving forward with your journey.

Weight Loss Myths

If you’ve heard or believed any of the weight loss myths below, use this as a myth debunking guide.

Following a trend will help you lose weight.

Celebrities are quick to post brands on Instagram and swear by the “results.” Do not fall into the tea cleansing or gimmick trap. Fad diets or products are not a healthy way to lose weight. It’s likely once you quit the product, any water weight you lost will be back in no time.

Eat whatever you want as long as you workout.

You cannot out gym a bad diet. Shawn M. Talbott, PhD, nutritional biochemist and former director of the University of Utah Nutrition Clinic says weight loss is 75 percent diet and 25 percent exercise. What you put into your body is more important that what you do with your body. That’s not to say you should be a spin class drop out. You’re body needs activity, so pedal on.

Weight Loss Food Myths

Foods labeled ‘natural’ or ‘low-fat’ are a good way to lose weight.

The “all-natural” label on food means next to nothing and does not imply it’s a good product to include in a weight loss or weight maintenance plan. Always check the ingredients labels. Go with fresh produce and leans meats, partnered with food products you’ve vetted or been advised to use from your doctor.

You should eat three meals a day.

There’s been back-and-forth about how many times a day you should eat to maintain a proper weight. The industry has fluctuated from three large meals with small snacks in between, to six small meals. The truth is, the number of meals matters far less than what you’re actually eating. Maintaining a healthy weight is dependent on a balanced diet, no matter how many meals that creates.

Eating at night makes you gain weight.

At no set time does the body stop burning calories and take all consumed food and turn it to fat. You lose weight when there’s a calorie deficit at the end of a 24-hour cycle. If you do that, it doesn’t matter that you eat dinner at 8 p.m.

Don’t allow these weight loss myths to take you off course from creating the healthy weight and life you deserve. Research the foods you choose and get involved with a trusted weight loss and maintenance plan that will support you in your choices.