Stock The Refrigerator To Lose Weight
Some days, surviving the grocery store is a win in itself. Being concerned with how you stock the refrigerator is just not going to happen. But taking a few minutes to clean out and rearrange your refrigerator can support your weight loss journey. We’ll walk you through the process (but you’re on your own with figuring out what’s in those Tupperware containers).
How to organize your refrigerator
In order to arrange your food in a neat way, you must know what you have available. The first step to organizing, is cleaning. Trash the takeout. Remove the moldy produce from the bottom drawer. Check the dates on your dairy products and get rid of the expired foods. Wipe out the drawers and shelving to create a clean environment. Stock the refrigerator in a way that will help your food last longer.
- Meats: Store your lean, raw meats on the bottom shelf of the fridge. This helps avoid any juice that escapes the packaging from dripping on other foods.
- Veggies: Keep your vegetables in the original packaging or a plastic bag. The drawers should be labeled for produce or adjusted to allow different levels of moisture inside. Veggies like high humidity to stay fresh.
- Fruits: Keep fruit in the original packaging and place in the refrigerator drawer set for a low level of humidity.
- Dairy: It’s important for your dairy products to stay cold. Store milk on the bottom shelf near the back, where the fridge is coldest. Eggs, butter and cheese should be kept in an area where the temperature is constantly cold – not the door.
Stock The Fridge With Snacks
Store your fridge in ways that support your weight loss or maintenance plan. Start by prepping your meals and organizing them in an easy-to-grab way. When you have meals prepared ahead of time, you won’t be tempted to grab take out at the office or hit the vending machine.
Prepare snacks like fruit and yogurt parfaits, apple slices, carrots and hummus, or boiled eggs and store them in clear containers on the middle shelf so they’re the first thing you see when you search for a bite to eat.
Slice veggies and keep them in individual sandwich bags so you can grab them as you head out the door or for a snack on the couch. Use the refrigerator door for chocolates, sweets, or other high-calorie foods you want to avoid. Pack them in an opaque container so they’re not easy to see.
Preparing your surroundings is one of the best ways to keep yourself on track with your food plan.